navitas was born during the pandemic
At a time when our days slowed us down and highlighted what is most essential,
a team of seasoned educators found themselves asking,
“if i were to live the last 6-8 months of my life right now,
what is the one thing i would still want to do for others?”

”I just wish to read storybooks to children. Seeing young ones respond to stories and enjoy them together has always been one of my greatest delights.”

“I want to share that math isn't something to fear;
it can be enjoyable and learned by anyone.
There's no such thing as being
'bad at math'.
— we all have different learning styles. I wish for each child (and adult) to know that they can learn math in their own unique way.
If only we could experience math differently the second time around.”
“I just wish to share how art is not just a subject. That it isn’t even about pleasing the art teacher just so one can get a high grade. Art is much larger and more exciting than all of those things.”

“my one thing is this word: community.”
“I want to impart hope through guidance and counseling, that there is nothing too overwhelming or something beyond understanding when there can be people around you ready to listen and just be available.”

And so here we are, creating paths for non-traditional learning outside and beyond compulsory schooling
because it is also what it means to be alive.
Here we wish to discover more with you all how in our daily living with our families,
there are already so many pockets of natural learning that we can spot and harness.
These may be small moments and seemingly mundane activities but when reframed are actually
very impactful, deeply meaningful, and lastingly memorable.
So yes, we are like a school but not really a school.
We can be classmates regardless of age.
A young one may be a moment’s teacher to the older ones.
Wonder, lost in hurry or routine, may be found again.
Learning can naturally happen anytime in our daily lives.
come see and discover.
no age limit; open to all children and children at heart.
Teacher Elo Coronel-Quiambao